Master's program "Geobiology and Paleobiology"

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The Master's program "Geobiology and Paleobiology" (MGAP) is a consecutive, research-focussed, four-term master program at the Faculty of Geosciences, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, in collaboration with researchers of the Bavarian State collections under the umbrella of the GeoBio-CenterLMU.

MGAP aims to provide students with a comprehensive introduction into the interdisciplinary research fields of geo- and paleobiology to prepare them for careers in science and beyond.


The MGAP program is based on interdisciplinary, research-oriented courses in geo- and biosciences that address patterns and processes of the evolution of life and its habitats on our planet. Principal topics are evolutionary and environmental geobiology and paleobiology, supported by courses in complementary areas e.g., bioinformatics, statistics, sedimentology.

The module-based curriculum provides an integrative approach facilitated by experts in different areas of expertise. Students will learn and acquire routines with a wide range of scientific methods such as modern techniques in molecular biology, fieldwork, collection management, bioinformatics, statistics and (paleo-) biodiversity assessments. Students will learn independent scientific work in individual and intensively supervised research projects at early stages of the curriculum.