Master's program "Geobiology and Paleobiology"

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Vargas, Sergio

Dr. Sergio Vargas

Scientific Assistant


Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Palaeontology & Geobiology
Richard-Wagner-Str. 10
80333 Munich

Room: D 211
Phone: +49 (0) 89 2180 6706
Fax: +49 (0) 89 2180 6601


Further Information

Research Focus

My research has drifted from almost pure taxonomy to molecular systematics to coral omics and sponge microbiome-omics. Together with students and colleagues, I use different NGS methods (Illumina and Oxford Nanopore) to understand how sponges (and their microbiomes), corals, and octocorals react to changes in their environment, for instance as a product of climate change.

I currently lead projects on octocoral biomineralization, sponge molecular systematics and sponge microbiome ecology.

I am in charge of our small Illumina MiniSeq and coordinate most lab projects dealing with genomics and transcriptomics. So, I also generally interested in high-throughput sequencing method development.


Data Analysis, Evolution.