Master's program "Geobiology and Paleobiology"

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Nesseltalgraben, a new reference section of the last glacial period in southern Germany

Birgit Brandlmeier co-authored this paper about a new reference section of the glacial periods in the Northern Calcareous Alps. Published in the Journal of Paleolimnology.


Mayr C, Brandlmeier B, Diersche V, Stojakowits P, Kirscher U, Matzke-Karasz R., Bachtadse V, Eigler M, Haas U, Lempe B, Reimer P & Spötl C (2017). Nesseltalgraben, a new reference section of the last glacial period in southern Germany. Journal of Paleolimnology, 58, 213-229.


Birigit Brandlmeier was a Master's student in the previous Master's programme "Geologische Wissenschaften".  


The full text of the study is avaialble here:
